Newborn Everyday Essentials

Newborn Everyday essentials that I personally use and believe are crucial to survival with a newborn. Maybe you are pregnant and nesting mode is in full affect, or you are preparing your baby registry, or maybe you just had your new little one and just need a little support and some tips. whatever the situation is, this new momma has got you covered.

This list is a must-know for everyday survival. However, it is not a list of everything you’ll need for your baby. Although, if you haven’t added these items to your must-have list, I highly suggest you do so.

Feeding essentials

I completely understand feeding a newborn is different for everyone. It is a very personal choice on how you decide to feed your baby. That being said, from my own personal experience, sometimes your original plan on feeding has to pivot to meet the demands of your little one. I think everyone is aware how difficult breastfeeding can be. Whatever your plan is, I think these items are still pretty necessary to have, even just as backups. However, if an item listed below really doesn’t fit your feeding needs, feel free to skip ahead.

#1 Newborn Everyday Essentials – Large Bottle Sanitizer

You might be planning to go old school and boil your bottles. Maybe you’re thinking a separate item just for sanitizing is silly since you already have a dishwasher. It’s even possible that you bought a bottle warmer that has the function to also sanitize. I promise you, to have a large capacity bottle sanitizer is absolutely worth the investment. Even if you don’t think you have the space for it. Make room for it like I did. The amount of time and dirty bottles you’ll be running through will have you realizing you don’t have time for the dishwasher, and you don’t have enough room in the warmer for all your dirty bottles.

Newborn Everyday Essentials

I created a baby registry with Spend less. Smile more.

#2 Newborn Everyday Essentials – Bottle organizer

It’s possible that you have space in the cupboard for your bottles and that’s great if that works for you. I found it personally helpful to have a rack specifically for my bottle storage. I created somewhat of a baby feeding station in my kitchen. Babies get hungry and upset fast. It became really helpful for me to have a feeding station to help keep me organized and not losing my mind. As well as helping me quickly fetch a bottle to feed my relentlessly crying baby.

#3 Newborn Everyday Essentials – Anti-Colic Bottles and Slow Flow Nipples

It is true if you plan to breast feed its best to make sure your baby’s latch is established before offering a bottle. However, my story like a lot of other women, is that I had to supplement along with my breastfeeding early on to make sure my son was gaining enough weight. For whatever reason, you may also end up using a bottle.

The thing you’ll need to know about bottle feeding a newborn is that it’s best to assume your baby will experience colic sometime in the first 3 months. Something you also might not know is that there are different nipple flows. Having a nipple flow that is too strong will cause your baby to drink too fast and cause excessive gas. If you are going to buy bottles, play it safe and buy the anti-colic bottles and make sure the bottle nipples you use are the slowest flow for a newborn.

Newborn Everyday Essentials

#4 Newborn Everyday Essentials – Breast Pump

Even if you are planning on exclusively breast feeding or supplementing with formula, your breast milk will come in strong. For me, about three days after giving birth my breasts became engorged overnight. Not only was it extremely uncomfortable, but it also made it impossible for my baby to latch from the firmness and size of my breasts. You will need to pump to help keep your breasts from being in pain and developing a breast infection. The great news is that your health insurance will most likely be able to help cover the expense, if not help you get an approved pump for free. You will want to make sure to check in about that.

#5 Newborn Everyday Essentials – Nipple Butter

This is specifically an essential if you are breast feeding. If you are planning to breast feed at all, please do yourself a favor and get yourself some nipple butter. I received different opinions about what works best for soothing nipples. I personally swear by organic nipple butter by Earth Mama. It helps sooth and repair dry, sore nipples in between feedings. Earth Mama organic nipple butter is specifically helpful because unlike other nipple butters and creams you do not need to wash it off your nipple before feeding your baby. That just seems so counterproductive to me.

#6 Newborn Everyday Essentials – Nursing Pillow

I thought buying a pillow just for Nursing was a waste of money. I have tons of pillows in my home. Multiple pillows on my bed and throw pillows on my couch. Although I was thinking I would just use what I had and make it work, I did end up buying a nursing pillow, and I am glad that I did. A nursing pillow is essential. There is no reason to make trying to breast feed any more complicated than it needs to be. The pillow is specifically designed for helping you breast feed. Take the help!

Diapering Essentials

#7 Newborn Everyday Essentials – Diaper Caddy

I bet you have a nice diaper changing station all set up in your nursery. Unfortunately, diaper changing will happen so often you won’t always make it to the changing station like you think you are going to. Get a diaper caddy you can bring with you to any room in your home. Diapers, wipes, diaper creams, changing pads and hand sanitizer in an organizer easy to carry.

Newborn Everyday Essentials

#8 Newborn Everyday Essentials – Packed Diaper bag

You could argue that you won’t need a diaper bag every day. Except, when you need to go somewhere last minute, you will be relieved that you have a diaper bag with all the baby essentials already packed. For example, when you lose track of all sense of time, you realize you’re late to a pediatric appointment, and you are still in the middle of feeding and changing your newborn. The last thing you want to have to worry about when you’re still figuring out this new baby schedule is getting a bag ready to go.

#9 Newborn Everyday Essentials – Diaper creams

Babies have fresh sensitive newborn skin. I like to have two different ointments on hand for Diapering my baby boy. Aquaphor for prevention of diaper rash as well as making cleaning the poop off his bottom quick and easy, and Desitin for healing diaper rash when it happens. Don’t wait until it’s a problem and your baby is uncomfortable. keep your diapering essentials on hand.

#10 Newborn Everyday Essentials – Diapers and wipes

Diapers and wipes are a given. Just make sure you have plenty and don’t run out. I recommend specifically using Huggies wipes and Pampers Swaddlers diapers. Swaddlers have been helpful for preventing blowouts. However, there is a technique to diapering and it takes practice. blowouts are going to happen, so don’t beat yourself up. If you haven’t had experience diapering before, check out my post about diapering that is coming soon.

Other Essentials

#11 Newborn Everyday Essentials – play mat

The very first place I laid my baby down, when we came home from the hospital, was on his play mat. It’s a soft flat location that is safe for baby to be. My partner and I used it as a place to lay our baby so we could safely nap on the floor next to him. Now we are using the play mat for its intended purpose which is for tummy time. You can have all sorts of baby containers like swings, etc. Play Mats are more essential because they are specifically intended for baby’s development.

#12 Newborn Everyday Essentials – Pack’N Play with Bassinet Function

We didn’t start out having a Pack’N Play and I wish that we had. It is so important to have a place for baby to safely sleep and to change their diaper up off of the floor. It will save your back. Expect that your newborn will spend most of their time with you in your living spaces. Our little guy refused to sleep in his giant crib alone in our bedroom. He spent most of his sleeping time in our arms or in the bassinet function of the Pack’N Play. There are Bassinets, cribs and Pack’N Plays. After my experience the best option when they are just newly born is a Pack’N Play with the Bassinet function. You can travel with them, easily move them from room to room, and they are a safe place to keep your little one as they get older and more mobile.

#13 Newborn Everyday Essentials – Baby Carrier

Babies do not like being away from their parents, and really, it’s important for their development to be cuddled and held a lot when they are so itty bitty. There is no such thing as spoiling an infant. They have simple needs that need to be met. Being attached to you at the hip just happens to be one of those needs. It does make it difficult to get things done, however. That’s why having a good baby carrier that fits both the baby and you is a must!

#14 Newborn Everyday Essentials – Swaddle Sack

Newborns love being swaddled. The first few weeks they still want that feeling of being in tight quarters like when they were in the womb. Swaddles give Babies security and comfort as well as keeping their startle reflex from waking them up. I recommend Swaddle Sacks because you can easily keep the upper half of your baby swaddled and zip the bottom open for easy diaper changes. You have the option to swaddle your tiny beloved with their arms free as well, if they become more comfortable that way, and still keep them warm and snuggled up.

Newborn Everyday essentials

This is my Newborn Everyday Essentials list based on my own experience as a new mom to my itty-bitty boy. Days can be a struggle sometimes as much as they are overwhelmingly rewarding. These items have been personally essential to us surviving the newborn stage and I know they will help other new moms as well. If there are any Essentials that I did not mention that Helped you survive the newborn Phase leave a comment below.

If you are still pregnant and trying to figure out what else to add to your registry check back into my blogsite Well-Rounded Woman PNW – Various experiences that can inspire, educate, and be a fun read for when I post about Baby Registry Must-Haves. In the meantime, you can read my post about How To Pack Your Hospital Bag – Well-Rounded Woman PNW %

About the author

Jennifer Hallsted

I love all the things and gaining all the knowledge. Let me share my experiences with you, from design, to Hiking in the PNW, and much more! Readers please enjoy!

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