8 Tips for baby bath-time

8 Tips for baby bath-time for that first year with your little one. In this article I wanted to share some pointers for the first-time mom with a baby that is struggling getting used to bath-time. Being in water can be scary for your baby when the world is new. They may just not enjoy being fussed with in general. Rest assured though momma, there are simple solutions to try out below.

8 Tips for baby bath-time, getting started

1. Have what you need for during and after the bath ready to go to make sure the bath goes quickly and smoothly as possible. You’ll need a large washcloth or two, a cup for rinsing, clean dry towel (hooded is nice) fresh diaper, baby wash and lotion, clean warm clothes.

Check out Easy Baby Registry Guide – Well-Rounded Woman PNW for more recommendations on baby bath-time items.

2. Throw clothes in the dryer for a few minutes to get the clothes warm for after the bath which can be comforting. You could try warming the towel as well.

3. Be prepared to join the bath. It helped my son a lot at the beginning when I got into the bathtub with him to hold him during washing. It helped him feel safe and learn that being in the bathtub is not so scary.

8 Tips for baby bath-time, getting in the water

4. Make sure the water is not too hot or too cold. I bought Dreambaby Duck Baby Bath Thermometer to make sure the temperature was just right and at a safe temp. You don’t want to boil your baby, but no one enjoys a cold bath either.

5. Use an extra washcloth to soak up the warm water and lay over your baby’s body during the bath to make sure they do not get cold. If your baby is cold and uncomfortable during the bath that could be a big cause of the tears at bath-time. You’ll want to pour warm water over the washcloth throughout the bath to make sure it continues to be warm.

8 Tips for baby bath-time, Making progress

6. Bath toys make bath-time fun if your baby is old enough to play with them. Making the environment fun can make it a more enjoyable experience for your little one even though you are washing them.

7. go at your baby’s pace. Baby’s do not need a bath every day at the beginning of their life. Infact its good for their skin to not wash them an excessive amount. Bath-time could be once a week or more depending on what your comfort level is. Sometimes just giving your little one a break from baths and then trying again with these same tips can give them time to adjust.

8. Have some baths that are just for being in the water and not for washing them. Get your baby used to just enjoying being in the warm water without all the fuss of picking and prodding at them. Let them see that being in the warm water can be a comforting experience.

Now that you’ve read 8 tips for baby bath-time, give some a try and comment to let me know if it worked for you or any other tricks that worked for you that was not listed here. Then check back into my blogsite Well-Rounded Woman PNW for more articles like this one.

About the author

Jennifer Hallsted

I love all the things and gaining all the knowledge. Let me share my experiences with you, from design, to Hiking in the PNW, and much more! Readers please enjoy!

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