4 Urban Hiking Recommendations

4 urban hiking Recommendations that are must-knows for getting serious about urban hiking. Urban hiking is more than just a casual stroll around the block. It’s an adventure through many different neighborhoods and parks in the city. also, sight-seeing and experiencing art, culture, and food. It’s a workout and its actual hiking, but without the forest. I’ve spent many weekends Urban hiking, and I’ll fill you in on my urban hiking insights in this article.

Keep Reading 4 Urban Hiking Recommendations

1.Plan Out Your Route

Where is Lunch and Drinks?

I always explore further through the city when I have a nice spot to stop for Drinks or lunch. I am able to go twice as many miles, so I definitely earn those calories. A lunch spot is perfect as a halfway point. Look at google maps of the area you want to urban hike and see what fun bars or restaurants are available.

Speaking of eateries, Check out my article 7 Charcuterie Board Tips – Well-Rounded Woman PNW

What Sights Do You Want to See?

Living in the PNW makes urban hiking really fun because there are usually nice parks or natural water features to see. Don’t sleep on architecture and urban artwork though. There is lots of beauty in the city. You can walk through a neighborhood with interesting houses and gardens or through the downtown with detailed buildings and artwork. Even People watching can be fun if there is an event nearby. Walk through a farmers’ market or an art walk, etc.

Where Will You Park?

Really important to figure out the parking situation before you head out on your journey. Depending on the area, will you need to park on the street or in a parking lot? Will you need to pay for parking? Things to consider when deciding on the location of your route. I try to plan out my route with a starting point that has free parking, like in a neighborhood that is close to the area I will venture into, but not necessarily the neighborhood I will mostly be walking in.

What Time Should You Start?

The longer you plan to be out the earlier you should start. I would factor in how long it takes you to get ready and the driving time to get to your starting point destination. My starting point is always my ending point. No matter the route I check the time periodically to make sure I have the same amount of time to get back as the time I have already spent venturing out. You don’t want to be walking in the city when it is dark.

2.Have the Right Gear


Shoes are an important topic because too many times have I brought a friend to go on an urban hike and they have shown up in flat slip-on shoes. Needless to say we don’t venture that far. Your feet are your traveling vessels. Take care of your feet. The right footwear is the most important tip I can give. Also, consider the climate and time of year. Waterproof shoes when its wet outside can be life changing.

Bonus tip: break your shoes in before going on a long urban hike!


Depending on the weather your choice in clothing may differ. In general, flexible, breathable clothing, that is comfortable, and keeps you safe from the elements, or from chaffing is the right move.


No matter how casual of a walker you are, it is a good idea to at least pack a couple things for yourself. Temperature can change throughout the day. A sweatshirt and a water at the very least, is advisable. In the PNW layers are essential.

When you do decide on a bag, it doesn’t have to be this huge heavy pack. In fact, I encourage a lightweight bag with just enough storage space for what you’ll need.

This bag on Amazon.com | adidas Unisex Alliance 2 Sackpack is a good example of a lightweight bag, perfect for urban hiking.

First Aid

First aid is crucial. You just never know. I’m typically out walking for a few hours and at that point I’m not close to my car. First aid isn’t necessarily for yourself. Sometimes it’s for a walking buddy, or even a stranger and fellow walker, that wipes out in front of you on the street. That has actually happened in front of me before. People just fall sometimes. I’m not saying to pack the entire hospital in your bag. However, a few Band-Aids and a small towel are good to pack.


You are not inhuman. It’s Important to stay hydrated. Pack a water or two.

Continue Reading 4 Urban Hiking Recommendations

3.Know How Many Miles You are Able to Go

Know Your Halfway Point

Your halfway point should not be the point in which you are exhausted, and your feet are giving up. You’ll still have that same number of miles to walk back to your vehicle. It’s okay to be tired at your halfway point if you planned to have some time to rest and have a drink or some food. Just don’t be at the point that you cannot walk any further. Listen to your body and don’t hurt yourself.

Push Yourself

I know I just said not to hurt yourself, so this may sound hypocritical. You should know that you are more capable than you think, though. Push yourself to walk up an incline you wouldn’t normally walk up. Walk an extra mile than you thought you could. Achieve a walking goal. It’s good for the heart! Just don’t go from 2 miles to 10 miles overnight. Push for a little extra each time.

Check In with Your Walking Partner

If you plan on bringing an urban hiking buddy along for the adventure, understand that they may not be at your endurance level or have the proper gear to venture for longer periods of time. Go the speed of your most novice hiker.

4.Be Prepared

Bring Things Others May Need

I like to bring an extra water, sweater, or other things of that nature, for any walking buddy that tags along. Especially if they are the person that claims they don’t need to bring anything. They will thank you later.

Charge Your Phone

There are two main reasons to make sure your phone is charged before heading out. First, you may want to take pictures of the scenery. Second, if there is an emergency it’s good to be able to make a phone call.

Don’t Forget Safety

Speaking of emergencies, pay attention to your surroundings. There are dangers in the city. I personally bring pepper spray and plan out areas that are mostly safer zones to be in when possible.

Those were my 4 urban hiking recommendations. If there is anything you would add, let me know in the comments below. Check into my blogsite Well-Rounded Woman PNW – Various experiences that can inspire, educate, and be a fun read for more articles like this one!

About the author

Jennifer Hallsted

I love all the things and gaining all the knowledge. Let me share my experiences with you, from design, to Hiking in the PNW, and much more! Readers please enjoy!

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